
The Impact of Roulette Wheel Maintenance on Game Outcomes

Casino maintenance workers inspect roulette wheels regularly for physical anomalies that might compromise their random results, such as loose frets that obstruct pockets or create section bias. Though rigged wheels are uncommon, advantage players have found several methods of manipulating the game and beating casinos. These techniques range from changing cylinder placement to using electromagnets […]


The Environmental Impact of Casinos: Green Initiatives in 2024

Casinos consume an excessive amount of energy and create waste that contributes to environmental concerns, so many casinos have begun adopting eco-friendly and sustainable practices in order to decrease their environmental footprint. Adopting renewable energy sources, food rescue programs and recycling initiatives to create a greener world will only contribute to its eventual realization. Energy […]


Casino Architecture and Design

Casino architecture sets the stage for your gambling experience. It can influence your perception, mood and even your behavior. Various psychological tactics are used in casino architecture to encourage higher spending. Playground-style casinos provide a comfortable and luxurious environment, making patrons feel more relaxed about spending their money. Clustering slot machines also allows players to […]